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Articles and tips for students

How to write an essay correctly and beautifully?

If we need to write the most ordinary school essay, then we will consider it here in a clear example.
Leadership essay will adhere to three (classical) main parts: Introduction; content; conclusion.

Introductory part

The introductory part introduces the reader to the topic of the essay and leads to the disclosure of the main aspects of the work. You can describe the title of the topic of the essay, reveal the essence of the title, ask a question, the answer to which will be revealed in the substantive part and summarized in the conclusion. Suppose we are writing an essay on the theme "Nature of the native land." Describe in the introduction, than the native nature is remarkable, and why the beauty of the nature of the native land served as the theme of the composition. If the essay on the theme of the seasons, describe why it was the time of the year that was the subject of the essay, what exactly this period affects you about, what attracts and, perhaps, causes a special sympathy for the favorite time of the year.

The substantive part

The substantive part is the most important, the main part of the work, it reveals the theme, the essence of the essay is explained. Show your vision of nature, as other authors see in nature in fiction. Avoid simple presentation or retelling, try to describe meaningfully the most vivid impressions that nature leaves with you. For greater clarity, try to mentally make a walk through your favorite places of the native forest, look into the beloved corners of your native nature, describe what you see around, how you imagine nature and what nature matters to you. Understanding the topic of writing to the reader will be the main task of the substantive part of the work.

Final part

In the final part, the results of all work are summed up, conclusions are drawn from the disclosed theme of the work; The final part should not be large, but thorough. In the final paragraph, you can smooth out all the shortcomings in the work on the essay, if it is clear, if possible, short and confidently complete the essay, fully answering all the questions posed.

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